Zach is 10 years old now, in the 5th grade and is just my little computer. He continues to read non-fiction like it's going out of style, can tell me facts about WWII that most scholars probably don't know and is a walking encyclopedia. He is such a sweetheart and I can't believe next year he will be starting mid school. (scary for me because he's so small)
Jake is 7 years old, and his life revolves around his best friend. Who just coincidentaly is his big brother. Right now he looks up to Zach in everything he does and pretty much does everything Zach does even if maybe he doesn't like it. He is my little prankster, he laughs at his own jokes (just like mom) and is doing well at school.
Ella is 5 and started Kindergarten. My baby is now in Kindergarten and as sad as I THOUGHT I was going to be, it's been amazing. She just switched classes and is doing so well. She ABSOLUTELY LOVES Elsa (which 5 year old doesn't?) and is a little spunky girl. She has such a sense of humor and she is trying to find herself out of the baby of the family to being a big girl.
Jon is doing great here in good ole Alb. He is enjoying his job and is extremely busy. I keep waiting for it to slow down and it hasn't, which is good. When he is not working he is working with the Young Men.
As for me I am doing really well. I had a little mid-life where the heck do I fit in now when Ella started Kindergarten. I was going to be a stay at home mom without kids at home. It was hard to digest and I felt a little off because I felt it defined me for so long. Well come to find out, it has been amazing. I have been able to have some time for myself, which has been really nice. Not to mention I volunteer at the kids school and some days I find I STILL don't have enough time in the day for the things that need to get done. And of course, I am in Young Women's! Love it!
No way, it's never too late! I'm so glad to see an update. I think about your family often, I love getting to see current pictures of your kids. They are adorable! Keep it up!
Im glad you are back to blogging :) The kids look HUGE!!!!
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