Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Forgotten Girl's Trip

First Cafe Rio! It was AWESOME!

Since it has been almost a year since I should have posted this, I figured I would give it a shout out and a few pictures.  It also doesn't hurt that the big event of "Breaking Dawn" is coming in a few weeks so I need to post it just to prove that yes I am still a teenager at heart.  My friend Candace and I met in SLC for a Girl's Weekend full of vampires, vampire parties and Breaking Dawn.  Now, don't laugh too hard, it's true.  We went to a premiere party that included an array of all things Breaking Dawn.  Contests, clues, samplers of the wedding cake, of course LOTS to buy, and just all things Corny.  WE LOVED IT!  We got massages, manicures, went shopping, ATE WAY TOOOO Much food and then before we knew it, it was time to go home.  Enjoy!

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