Tuesday, October 16, 2007

You're not even a good mom!

So, I have been a little slacker with blogging, mostly because there has not been a lot happening that I feel would make a good entry. Nothing still has been happening, Jon is working his 30 hour shift today, Hannah went to school, I am still planning and making stuff for her Halloween party and I started potty training Zach AGAIN today. So, As I was thinking about something witty I could write about I came up with NADA! I was sitting on my couch re-reading Eclipse...Yes I know I am a DORK, and Hannah and Zach were playing way too rough. I of course told them to stop A BILLION times, and of course Hannah gets hurts and I say tough luck. She then tell me, YOU'RE NOT EVEN A GOOD MOM! and Runs away. Now, all you people with children not old enough to do this are probably crying in horror because this would be your absolute nightmare. I, on the other hand am laughing. Mainly because this is a new devolopment Hannah has started. I am either a BAD MOM, the WORST MOM IN THE WORLD,YOU'RE NOT EVEN A GOOD MOM, I HATE YOU! She does this atleast once a day, especially if Jake starts crying and I don't get him IMMEDIATELY. She comes to tell me Jake is crying and I say, Ok, thanks hun. Her response is, "You're a bad mom! Go get him right NOW! He's just a cute little baby!" A little bit overprotective of her Jake, but darn it, it's cute! I was a little put off the first time it happened but I figured it's good practice for when they are older and HATE YOU! Anybody else have this problem yet? Or is just my Diva daughter?
BTW....hate potty training. Most of you don't know I GAVE up months ago and figured he's three now and should start but man I hate it. Hannah was such a piece of cake compared to this. I remember somebody said, Potty training isn't hard you just can't be a lazy parent. I totally agree to a point. It is through laziness that I get tired of him peeing all over himself and everything along with cleaning up poop atleast 3-4 times a day.


mckay said...

I feel you on the potty training! I HATED it! Actually I hate EVERYTHING that has to do with the bathroom! It is my mission in life to get rid of the nasty smell in Devin's. UGH! As far as cute Hannah yelling at you...you are not alone. I have a mouthy one too. I need to take up your attitude about it. Thanks for the example! =)

Heitmann Family said...

I cried the first time Ayden told me that I wasn't a good mom, but now I take my mother's stance on it. "Yeah I may be the meanest, worst mother out there but I am the only one you got and you aren't that pleasant sometimes either." She sometimes said that if she wasn't the meanest mom then she wasn't doing her job(that was when I was older and she wouldn't let me do stuff). Take it as a compliment I guess!!! Glad to see you are still alive!!!

THE BEAN FAMILY : aaron,candace,ashlyn,alysse, and macey said...

hehe...i think this is so funny. You are being a great mom if they hate you. and just wait until she is like sixteen they will ahte us all the time.!!!

Carmen/Alan said...

I am not excited about potty training too. Kids:)

Becky T said...

Oh, you are such a GREAT mom! :) That is pretty funny about Hannah and being protective of Jake. And I too HATED potty training and now that Tyler is trained, I'm not sure if it's all it's cracked up to be. Running to the potty in every public place I have gone in the last six months has exhausted me! Good luck!!

kdance said...

Bella, you are the best. I loved this post. Hannah is quite the little Diva, to be sure.
Karin :)

M & S Eagar said...

Don't you just love it when our sassy witty daughters display their charm on us?! Can't wait for Thanksgiving.

P.S. Potty training stinks!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what would we do without you Bella! Every day when I see Eclipse sitting on my bookcase and hear Edward calling my name, it's so hard to not start reading it again, but I told myself I can start again in the spring. Your girl really is a diva! Caden hasnt said that yet, but he definatly tells me off sometimes. I'm so not looking forward to him growing up and getting worse, I can't handle that! I never talked like that to my mom, so I can't belive at 4 he is already saying stuff...AHHHH!!

Alison said...

Okay, Bell. Well, first and foremost, I can't lie to ya. I read Twilight and could just never get into the other two books. But I am a bad example of "trudging" through books. I started Harry Potter and only got 52 pages into when I finally put it down. Second, jack can't talk but I know what his cry means sometimes, "You are bad mom. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. I will never forgive you for putting me on the floor." Third, I don't even want to THINK about potty training. I am so sorry.

But, it was sooooo good to see a new post! Nothing big has to happen to blog about it. I just like to hear the normal daily stuff.

The Nielsen Family said...

I love how you put if your child is not old enough to say this you are probably horrified right now, and I was so I got a good laugh as I read on. I guess these are the joys I have to look forward to.

Sarah C said...

I am sorry about the potty training drama. Don't be to hard on yourself. You are a great mom.