A few weeks ago we took a little trip up North because we had heard how beautiful it was. We figured we've lived here for three years and we can't leave Michigan without seeing it. We rented a house on a lake, and it had a pontoon boat, kyaks (Which we never got to use) and a huge house with enough room for both families. That's right! All 7 of our children and four adults! I loved it! It was beautiful and the kids were in heaven! Well, it did not dissappoint. It was so beautiful! I have some mixed feelings about leaving because New Mexico has a different type of beauty. A beauty which does not revolve around water or anything green. We packed enough food to feed an army and ate almost NONE of it. Candace and I did not feel like cooking so we ordered in food and ate out. So much for saving money on food. The kids had a blast on the boat, fishing, swimming, running through the beaches and relaxing outside in the sandbox.
Isn't it pretty?
This is in Traverse City. After we left the farm house, we headed up to Traverse City and looked around a bit. We walked around and before we know it, it was 4:00 and we still had a four hour drive ahead of us. Instead we decided to be spontaneous and see if the Beans wanted to stay one more day. Aaron was almost, what did Candace call him, "A spontaneous moment killer", but he crumbled under pressure really fast and we went in search of a reasonably priced hotel room on Memorial Day weekend. We found the good ole Travel Lodge and went to the Beach and let the kids play and feed the baby ducks. We had so much fun and we were so glad to be able to go with the Beaners one last time somewhere. Enjoy the pictures!
I refuse to post any pics of the adults on the water trampoline, although it was probably one of the funnest parts of the trip. Let's just say nobody deserves to see those pics! Not flattering, to anyone, on any angle. Thanks Beaners for a great trip!